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Phil Collins tribute band - One More Night

I can feel it coming in the air tonight.....

De muziek van Phil Collins leeft als nooit tevoren bij generaties muziekliefhebbers. "One More Night" is een professionele 12-koppige band van internationale muzikanten, die je met een fantastische tributeshow terugbrengt naar de hoogtijdagen van deze levende legende! Bereid je voor op het allerbeste van Phil Collins!

Phil Collins!

Oh Baby give me One more Night

Zanger Kevin Owen:

“I have loved Phil Collins and Genesis from the moment I heard their first tracks on the radio. I waited for their latest video to appear on MTV like a kid in a candy shop. Now years later, I have had many people ask for Phil Collins songs on my various performances and even some comments about how much I sound like the MASTER!! Extremely flattering.. so I thought, maybe it was time to revisit the radio-friendly, feel-good music that I love. Johnny Corsie and I have joined musical forces, along with some extremely talented musicians to bring you Phil Collins "One More Night" The Tribute. We are so excited to bring you along with us..!”

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